  • 8 - 12
  • 01:30
  • € 29,95 p.p.

Paintball under 18

Paintball is an experience you will never forget!
Take a deep breath, look to the left, look to the right and run! In overalls, with a safety mask on and your loaded paintball gun in your hands, you enter the playing field. The paintballs fly around your ears, you keep your gun sharp and are ready to shoot and eliminate your opponents in 1.5 hours.

How does it work?
You should arrive 15 to 30 minutes beforehand.Then you choose the weapons, put on your overalls and put on a safety mask.

It is possible to shower after the activity (you can buy a shower coin at the bar).

What is included in the paintball activity?
- Required materials
- Expert guidance
- 150 paintballs per person
- Access to Fun Valley Maastricht
- An experience never to be forgotten

Make your day complete with various extras:
- Extra paintballs (choice of 100, 500, 1000 or 2000)
- Bittergarnituur (16 pieces)
- A barbecue (choice of meat, fish or vegetarian)

Bad weather
Is bad weather forecast on the day of your activity? No worries! Our material can take a beating and can be used when it rains.